Amiga Format CD 44
Amiga Format CD44 (1999-08-26)(Future Publishing)(GB)(Track 1 of 3)[!][issue 1999-10].iso
Text File
511 lines
Copyright © 1995 HeadSoft Software
Written by Richard T. Elmore
126 State St. #20
Spearfish, SD 57783
Tel: (605) 348-3337
E-mail: relmore@silver.sdsmt.edu
Note: This version of the library will not function for v36 (2.04) and below
of the OS. Furthermore, you will note that some command names are preceeded by
a asterisk. This indicates that either the command is new to this release or
was enhanced/bugfixed since the last (Bum6) release.
*Command: CHDIR
Syntax: CHDIR "Path:" -or- IF CHDIR("Path:") Then...
This command will change the current working directory for ALL disk- related
commands. Used as a function, a value of TRUE will be returned if the
directory change was successful, or FALSE if it was unsuccessful.
*Function: CurrentDir$
Syntax: a$=CurrentDir$
This function returns a string containing the full pathname of the current
directory. This function replaces the "PATHLOCK" function from earlier
releases of this library.
*Command: COPYFILE
Syntax: COPYFILE "First","SECOND" -or- IF COPYFILE("FIRST","SECOND") Then...
This command will copy files, much like the CLI command "Copy." In the function
form, it will return TRUE for success, and FALSE for failure. Note that the
speed at which it copies can be increased by increasing the "CopyBuffer," which
defaults to 4096 bytes. (See below)
*Statement: SetCopyBuffer
Syntax: SetCopyBuffer BUFFERSIZE
This statement is used to set the size of the COPYFILE command's memory buffer.
The default size is 4096 bytes, but this can be adjusted from 1024 bytes to
nearly all your free memory. A larger buffer will normally increase the speed
at which the COPYFILE command operates, but only up to the size of the largest
file you're copying. For example, if the largest file you need to copy is
25000 bytes, then it will be useless to set the COPYBUFFER above 25000.
*Command: NAMEFILE
Syntax: NAMEFILE "Oldname","Newname" -or-
IF NAMEFILE("Oldname","Newname") Then...
This command returns FALSE for failure, TRUE for success: The file "oldname"
is renamed to "newname," if possible, and may be moved to other directories
within the same volume. It is not possible to use NAMEFILE to move a file
from one volume to another, however. (See the MOVEFILE command)
*Command: MOVEFILE
Syntax: MOVEFILE "Oldname","Newname" -or-
IF MOVEFILE("Oldname","Newname") Then...
This command returns FALSE for failure, TRUE for success: This command is
intelligent, and will attempt to rename the given filename if it is on the same
volume, otherwise it will copy the file to the new location and afterwards
delete the original.
Command: MAKEDIR
Syntax: MAKEDIR "Path:Dir" -or- If MAKEDIR("Path:Dir") Then...
This command will attempt to create a new directory with the given pathname.
It is only possible to create one level at a time, however. For example,
MAKEDIR will fail if you attempt to MAKEDIR "RAM:New/Data" if the directory
"RAM:New" does not yet exist. Used as a function, MAKEDIR returns TRUE for
success, and FALSE for failure.
This command will read the next entry in the current directory for inspection
with other "ENTRY" commands. Used within a loop, it is easy to read an entire
directory with these commands, similar to the "DIR" or "LIST" commands of
AmigaDOS. (See below. An example follows)
Function: ENTRYNAME$
Syntax: n$=ENTRYNAME$
This function returns the name of the current directory entry. If used before
the fist "MOREENTRIES" command, it will return the name of the last EXAMINEd
directory or file.
Function: ENTRYDIR
Syntax: If ENTRYDIR Then...
This function returns TRUE if the last EXAMINEd object is a directory, or FALSE
if it is a file.
*Function: ENTRYBITS$
Syntax: n$=ENTRYBITS$
This function returns a string containing the protection-bits status of the
current file or directory. An example may be "----RWED" the same format as
given by the AmigaDOS "LIST" command. Possible bit settings are HSARWED:
D=DELETEABLE. Any bits that are not set will have the "-" character in their
Syntax: n.l=ENTRYSIZE
This function returns the size in bytes of the current directory entry. Note
that sub-directories return a size of zero whether they are empty or not.
This function returns the date the current entry was last modified, in the same
format as SYSTEMDATE uses. (The number of days since 1/1/1978) Thus, you may
use the DATE$ and DATEFORMAT commands to translate it into a string with a more
human-readable string.
This function is related to ENTRYDATE, above, but returns the hour of the day
(0-23) at which the entry was last modified.
Returns the minute (0-59) of the time at which the entry was modified.
Returns the second (0-59) of the time at which the entry was modified.
This function will return the string containing the filenote for the current
directory entry, or "" if there is none.
The EXAMINE command "locks" the examined directory (or file) until the last
entry has been examined. In previous versions of the library, it was therefore
not possible to alter the locked directory or file until the last MOREENTRIES()
function had been called or the program had ended. This statement allows you
to prematurely terminate the lock.
This example will list the entries in RAM: in a format very similar to the
AmigaDOS "LIST" command. Note that you need to "ChDir" to a directory in order
to read it from the first entry again.
ChDir "RAM:"
While MoreEntries
Print LSet$(EntryName$,30)
If EntryDIR then Print "Dir " Else Print LSet$(Str$(EntrySize),6)
Print EntryBits$," ",Date$(EntryDate)," "
Print EntryHour,":",Right$("0"+Str$(EntryMins),2),":"
NPrint Right$("0"+Str$(EntrySecs),2)
This command returns FALSE if the specified device or pathname was not valid.
If successful, details about the specified drive can be read with the following
"DISK" functions. The values for these functions will not change until
ANALYZEDISK is executed again, either on the same drive or another one. Note:
If given a full pathname, such as "DF0:System/Utilities" this command will
still know enough to analyze the disk "DF0:"
Function: DISKUNIT
Syntax: n=DISKUNIT
This function will return the unit number of the most recently analyzed disk.
DF0: for example, would return zero, while DF1: would return 1.
Function: DISKERRS
Syntax: n=DISKERRS
This function will return the number of soft errors DOS knows about on the last
analyzed disk. This should normally be zero.
This function returns the capacity in bytes of the last analyzed drive. For
example, a fastfilesystem-formatted disk's max capacity is 837K, so
DISKCAPACITY would return 857904, which divided by 1024 is 837.
Function: DISKUSED
Syntax: n=DISKUSED
This function returns the number of bytes actually in-use on the last analyzed
Function: DISKFREE
Syntax: n=DISKFREE
The opposite of DISKUSED, DISKFREE returns the number of bytes free on the
disk. This function would be very useful, for example, in a program that
needed to save information to disk. You would be able to first determine if
the specified SAVE disk had sufficient space.
This function returns the number of bytes each block on a disk uses, making it
possible to convert the byte-values of the above functions to number of blocks.
*Function: DISKSTATE
Syntax: state=DISKSTATE
Returns the state of the last-analyzed drive:
0 - Disk is Write-Protected
1 - Disk is Validating
2 - Disk is Validated (i.e. normal)
*Function: DISKTYPE$
Syntax: id$=DISKTYPE$
This function returns a string indicating the format-ID of the last analyze
Syntax: GETASSIGNS <type> -or- If GETASSIGNS(<type>) Then...
This command reads the current list of assigns, devices, or volumes as
indicated by <type>:
0=Devices (Such as DH0: SER: CON: etc.)
1=Directories (Such as S: DEVS: FONTS: etc.)
2=Volumes (Such as Work: Workbench: etc.)
The strings may be read in with the ASSIGN$ function.
*Function: ASSIGN$
Syntax: a$=ASSIGN$
This function returns the next item in the assignment list (see GETASSIGNS) or
null. A null string indicates that there are no more entries in the list.
If GetAssigns(2)
If a$ Then NPrint a$
Until a$=""
*Command: SetFileComment
Syntax: SetFileComment file$,text$ -or- If SetFileComment(file$,text$) Then...
This command is the reverse of ENTRYCOMMENT$--- it lets you write the comment
to the specified filename.
*Command: SetBits
Syntax: SetBits bits$,bits$ -or- If SetBits(bits$,bits) Then...
This command is the reverse of ENTRYBITS$. You may specify the protection bits
of the named file (case insensitive) from H, S, P, A, R, W, E, and D.
If SetBits("RWED","RAM:Myprog")=0 Then Goto Failed
*Command: SetWildString
Syntax: SetWildString pat$ -or- If SetWildString(pat$) Then...
Finally! Easy pattern-matching! This command defines the wildcard pattern to
be used by the MatchWild() function (below.) As a function, it will return one
of the following values:
0- Function failed
1- Successful, string contained valid wildcard pattern
2- Successful, but string contained no wildcard characters (possibly only a
filename, etc.)
The pattern-matching method is identical to the LIST command, file requesters,
*Function: MatchWild
Syntax: <match?>=MatchWild(text$)
This function returns TRUE if the supplied string matches the pattern defined
by SetWildString.
*Function: DosError$
Syntax: error$=DosError$
This function returns a string explaining the reason for failure of the last
DOS action... ("object is in use", etc.)
*Function: FilePart$
Syntax: f$=FilePart$(pathstring$)
This function splits the given string and returns the filename portion... For
example, FilePart$("Dh0:S/User-Startup") would return "User-Startup".
*Function: PathPart$
Syntax: p$=PathPart$(pathstring$)
This function works similarly to FilePart$() but returns the Pathname within
the specified string. PathPart$("Dh0:S/User-Startup") would return "Dh0:S".
*Function: FullPath$
Syntax: a$=FullPath$(path$,file$)
This function combines the directory and filenames supplied in a DOS-compatible
manner... FullPath$("DH0:S","User-Startup") would return "DH0:S/User-Startup".
*Function: GetLocal$
Syntax: v$=GetLocal$(name$)
The value of the named DOS local-variable will be returned as a string. (See
CLI command, "SET", "SETENV" etc.)
*Function: GetEnv$
Syntax: v$=GetEnv$(name$)
The environmental DOS variable will be returned in a string.
*Command: SetLocal
Syntax: SetLocal name$,value$ -or- If SetLocal(name$,value$) Then...
This command will attempt to set the value of the DOS local-variable specified.
*Command: SetEnv
Syntax: SetEnv name$,value$ -or If SetEnv(name$,value$) Then...
This command will attempt to set the value of the DOS environmental variable
specified. (The value is copied to a file in the ENV: directory.)
*Command: UnSetLocal
Syntax: UnSetLocal name$ -or- If UnSetLocal(name$) Then...
This command removes the specified local DOS variable.
*Command: UnSetEnv
Syntax: UnSetEnv name$ -or- If UnSetEnv(name$) Then...
This command removes the specified environmental DOS variable.
*Command: Run
Syntax: Run filename$,args$[,stacksize.l] -or-
This command runs the specified executeable program as a background process.
*Statement: Exec
Syntax: Exec command$
The specified commandline will be executed. Note that miniature scripts may be
created by separating individual commandlines by CHR$(10).
*Function: ComparePaths
Syntax: result=ComparePaths(pathname1$,pathname2$)
This function compares the supplied pathnames and returns:
0 = The files or directories specified by the two pathnames are unrelated.
1 = The files or directories specified by the two pathnames are really the same
file (for example, "SYS:C/Dir" and "C:dir" are the same thing.)
2 = The files or directories specified are not the same file (or directory,) but
they do reside on the same volume.
*Command: Assign
Syntax: Assign name$,pathname$ -or- If Assign(name$,path$) Then...
This command creates a new assign (similar to the SYS:C/Assign command.) For
example, Assign "Blitz2:","DH4:Prg/Blitz2".
Note that the trailing colon on the new ASSIGN name (Blitz2: in the above
example) is optional.